ok, the following is a new mag I'm workin on...I put it up so you guys could give me your opinions of the concept and the general format of the text...Please don't E me...give your impressions on line...that way I can have a more well rounded opinion because everyone can consider everyone else opinion (what?) Thanx for the help...oB ############################################################################# ## # # ## ## ### ### ##### ##### #### ####### ####### ####### :::: ## ## ####### ## ## ###### ##### ### ## ### ## ####### No. ::::: ## ## ## # ## ##### ############ ### ## ### ### ::: ## ## ############# ############ ####### ### ### ### ::: ## ## by #### ### ### ### ## ### ## ####### ::: ## ## oleBuzzard #### # ### ### ## ####### ######## ::::::: ## ## [This is a BETA, DO NOT SPREAD!!] ## #################################################################17-Nov-93### INTRODUCTION MoMAGZ, What is it? Well I subscribe to ALOT of magazines, like 50! And it occurred to me that I shouldn't be the only recipient of the immense knowledge of information I get weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, and yearly. So I created MoMAGZ'. From time to time (at least every month) I will put out another edition of MoMAGZ' containing the best of the best articles I have read since....well since the last issue of MoMagz'. Occasionally I will dig into the archives and re-print a decent articles from eras gone past, (in the online world thats about a week) but in general MoMAGZ' will only contain articles from the current or possibly previous month it was released. * NOTE * While MoMAGZ may be a convenience to those of you who cannot afford to spend $1000 dollars a year on magazines, it is important to note that MoMAGZ' is no substitute for reading the original source. This in mind, every article (re)printed in MoMagz' will be accompanied with the MAGAZINE NAME, ISSUE NUMBER, RELEASE DATE, ARTICLE/SECTION NAME, and AUTHOR. Please use this bibliographical information to locate and obtain the Source Issue of any article in MoMAGZ' you find particulary interesting. Also, if you see anything written in brackets such as: [Dumbass!] thats just me makin a snide aside...feel free to ignore it... ARTICLES IN THIS RELEASE * MONITORING TIMES Volume 12, No. 10 October 1993 * GRAY AREAS Volume 2, No. 3 Fall 93 MORE MAGAZINES MONITORING TIMES is THE magazine for the HAM radio enthusiasts. Despite having great articles about the world of underground radio, MT is a great source of news about events in the underground world in general. The Communications MONITORING TIMES Section of MT, near the start of every issue always Volume 12 No. 10 has a good article about the latest and greatest feat October 1993 of Radio Piracy, or an interesting expose on an FCC Renegade who is reeking havoc across regulated air waves. And, of course, MT always includes its list of Scanner Frequencies for unusual, and interesting people, places, and things. Check it out at your local newstand or call Monitoring Times at [704]-837-9200. Subscriptions Price: $19.95(US), $28.50(Elsewhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "COMMUNICATIONS" by Larry Miller PIRATE SHIP TO BE "BLOWN AWAY" RAIN COAT CHARLIE ARRESTED The infamous M/V Sarah, former William Irwin, K8CQR, or Debray, home of Radio NewYork International, Florida, has been fined $2000 by the has beed purcased by MGM Pictures to FCC. Engineers from the Vero Beach, be used in the upcoming file Blown Florida, field office identified Irwin Away, starring Jeff Bridges. Sarah at his residence as being the station is presently sitting in the Boston on 20 meters that identified itself Harbor, being outfitted with an only as "Raincoat Charlie" upper deck facade. We surmise she is The FCC said that "Mr. Irwin's sole about to meet her demise. purpose for being on the air appeared The tower and antennas have been to many to be to harass and ridicule rescued by former owner Alan Weiner, other amateurs in a particularly to be mounted on the M/V Fury, which vulgar way." sets sail in mid-October to the Raincoat Charlie had vowed on the island of Nevis in the Carribean. air t hat the FCC would never catch Hopes are that by Winter the M/V him. [HA!] Fury will be the first legal off- shore broadcaster -- although Radio Brod may have stolen that title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAY AREAS is a magazine which on its cover posits the point that 'In life, there is no black and white, only Gray Areas.' Their scope accordingly includes (but is not necessarily limited to) 'Law, Music, Technology, Popular Culture & Reviews.' In laymans terms, Gray Area is a magazine which attempts to GRAY AREAS reveal and explore the legal and constitutional lines Volume 2, No.3 (Gray Areas) that govern the nation. Gray Areas touts that Fall 1993 it is the ONLY place in print where 'lawbreakers can speak freely (we [they] gaurantee anonymity) and law abiders and enforcers can safley interact with them.' Well I don't know what it all means but the readings certainly provide you with a different perspective on legality and rights. Gray Areas has rather limited distributiuon [at least where I live] so if you can't find them at your local newstand, heres their number: [215]-353-8238. Subscription Price: $26.00(US), $34.00(Foreign) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [OCR'd Text Here] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEXT ISSUE Well theres no telling, because I haven't gotten any new issues of anything good since I wrote this release. Hopefully there'll some good stuff in Wired, Mondo 2000, or 2600. Who knows, but if it has the oB stamp of quality you know it won't be no bullshit. Anyway be on the look out for my latest, they should be called: MOMAGZxx.oB or MOMAGZxx.txt Also, look for other xxxxxxxx.oB files. Like I said, if its oB's it ain't BS. Shouts got out to Nobody (at oB's), Disorder (at Flatline), the editors of all the great mags I read, and to all my users at... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oleBuzzard's kn0wledge phreak % sUmthyn lykE 4000+ text fylez % C.R.a.P.N. AC 3o3.382.5968--NUP = NO NUP % hAck/phrEAk/AnArky/vIrII/cArd % Call Right 24oo-14.4ooKiloBaud-Open 24/7 % n0 phUckyn lAmEr wArEz do0dz! % Phuckn Now --------------------------------------------------------------------------------